i love my phone camera.. its auto focus function is so great for shooting small small items. these flowers are only about a 20 cents coin big. hen mei ba.. more flowers below..

yes! finally took the sky ride.. babbie's facial expression looks so tense when we were going up =p

this is the fobbiden place for me.
**PS. I did walked closer to take a look at the fly flyss outside..
after tat we went to the sovenior stall beside the butterfly park. i saw lots of orchids.. but when i turn my head to the left, i saw lots and lots of butterflies and insects and scorpions on the rack! Oh my goodness.. rao le wo ba.
and den babie scare me.. he suddenly took the scorpion display and put it very my face, but im staring at the butterflies on the rack not the scorpion! (im not so scared of scorpions)

dunno wat octagon pavillion.. with snakes and a dragon.

hmm.. head very big ne.. looks a bit funny

sky ride sky ride!! on the way back to Siloso~

强颜欢笑 =D

were reaching.. how i wish the ride is longer..
there is this korean family who took their small kids for the ride and the ppl stopped them because its too dangerous. when the mother is shouting at the ppl there the father just grabbed his son and run to the chair. his son was knocked by the heavy and moving chair.. siao 1 leh. the little girl looks like she's only 2 yrs old and her parents die die also wan to let them ride. WTF!! they think there $$ is more impt then their child's life.. her mother keep blocking our way and the queue behind her is getting longer. and then they just went up =.="

i took flowers again =D

soaking our tired feet in the water.. im the 1st to do it, and everybody follows haha.. =X

i like this flower.. dunno wat is it call. but its sooooo cute! and i love the white leaves beside it. the plantation is so nice.

another weird looking flower..

took this while waiting for the show to start

sunset. mei mei ne.


didnt get the chance to take photos of Oscar, the so call main character.. a bit wasted. wrong timing.

this scoop cost us $4 and taste like $1. expensive!
its an unexpected and wonderful day! we didnt plan to go Sentosa.. and i did tried my best of not to think of my job and enjoyed myself. thanks dear for bringing me to Sentosa, and also for the cd.. really love the songs in it.
o.O $54.90 bucks.. % 3 cds = 18.30 each.. this 1 confirm is the normal JAP press with no DVD.. if got dvd still okok lah same price mah. tat y i keep finding the Taiwan version which suppose to cst at abt $20++ hao gui ar..